Winter is here and it has been here for some time, but lately it's been harder to believe that we are, in fact, in the middle of January.
Yesterday, while waiting to get Mira from the school bus, our neighbour was out with his umbrella. It spent most of yesterday raining. The snow has been almost non-existent except for a day right after Christmas when we got a dumping of the white stuff (even THAT was too late for the holidays). All this rain and little snow, combined with the excessive darkness really makes it tough.
Poor Mira gets so upset when we tell her that it's not time to wear shorts yet. She, in all her 5 year old understanding of the seasonal changes that come with living in Ontario, has realized that winter is likely not her favourite season. She is counting down the days to sandals and sundresses. She has already told me that she wants to move somewhere warm. Ha ha, we wish.
I have this "thing" with winter. If it's going to be winter and that's the reality of living where I live, then at LEAST give me some beautiful snow to look at. Yes, driving in snow is not fun, but looking at grey and brown while dealing with frigid temperatures is just too much.
So here begins the countdown to spring!
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