Thursday, March 15, 2012

Little G in 3D

On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to see our little G in 3D. We went to UC Baby on Tuesday afternoon and spent an hour watching our little guy move around and make some absolutely adorable baby expressions. Little G spent the majority of the time playing with his toes and his fingers, meaning he is going to be a real yoga master! This kid is flexible! I guess we were all this flexible at one point and we lose the ability to touch our toes to our foreheads. To see our little guy actually comfortable in this position is hilarious.

Geoff's mom was able to come to the appointment with us which was really special. She had told us that back in the day of her being pregnant with Geoff and Graham, you only had an ultrasound if something was wrong. So for her to sit in on this ultrasound, especially it being 3D was pretty darn cool. Her excitement couldn't be contained. She couldn't wait to see her grandson's face for the first time!

Little Mira came with us as well but she lacked the attention span to fully appreciate what was happening. Plus, she'd already had the pleasure (or displeasure in her 5 year old mind) of attending several of our other ultrasounds. This was just another appointment that involved a box of toys (they think of everything!).


Kristen said...

What a wonderful experience!

Shannon said...

It was really neat. I highly recommend it to anyone who is expecting.