We survived week one! Grayson is now 10 days old and we've done quite a bit in the last 10 days! We were discharged from the hospital on Saturday the 23rd and Sunday we had a bunch of friends and family come by to visit and meet baby G.
Sunday was a busy busy day, but it was wonderful to see all of our loved ones. Monday we went down to Mississauga to visit Geoff's parents and their neighbours. Geoff's mom kept calling Grayson a "cool little dude" and I have to agree. He's our little chill baby. He's so easy to please. Nothing upsets him except for a rumbly tummy when he's hungry.
Tuesday we went out to the stores to pick up a couple of things after going to watch Mira's big SK graduation. Wednesday we went to watch Mira's soccer game. Mira was pretty excited that her little bro was coming to cheer her on. Too bad baby G just slept through the entire game. Mira is pretty excited that her brother has attended every single one of her big events since being born. He's just trying to be a supportive little brother.
Friday I took Mira and Grayson to the splash pad. It was a PD day and the splash pad was relatively busy. Grayson and I enjoyed the shade while Mira hooked up with some of her buddies from school in the playground.
Saturday we went to the Farmers Market here in Georgetown. I love the Farmers market here. It's definitely a social event. You always see a few friends wandering the booths. We hit up our friends Matt and Sam's pool with their 3 daughters in the afternoon. The 4 girls got along really well and exhausted themselves in the pool.
Yesterday, Sunday, Canada day, we headed over to Eric and Ali's house for a pool party in celebration of Canada's 145th birthday! Grayson did awesome at his first pool party. He was passed around and spent the afternoon napping heavily with the occasional break to feed.
The transition to a two-kid household has been relatively easy, especially with Geoff being so helpful and supportive. Breast feeding has been good and he's eating really really well. I just forgot how tiring it is to breastfeed! As my girlfriend says, "it's like strapping a treadmill to your chest". It's so true. I'm grateful that it's working out well for us so far. Geoff does get a little frustrated that he can't help with the feeding, but it won't be long before Grayson will be on solids and Geoff will have his fair share of feeding him.
At Mira's soccer game |
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