Mira has had quite the week. Being a typical 5 1/2 year old has caught up with her. Earlier this week Mira was playing in the park with her friend and decided, like most kids her age, that jumping off a swing is a lot of fun. I agree, it is a lot of fun. What isn't so fun is when you don't get out of the way of the swing when it comes back down and you take the plastic seat right in the eye. So, Mira had a nice shiner and cut on her right eye as a result. The scream from the park was blood curdling.
Fast forward to yesterday, friday. It was a P.D day and so Mira wanted to go to the splash pad with other entire child population in Georgetown. So we did.
Geoff and I were parked in our lawn chairs, watching all the lovely children enjoying the water on this hot day. We were talking with a couple of people we knew when suddenly a mother came running over to where we were, carrying a bawling Mira. Blood was pouring out of my little girl's face! The mother saw that Mira had run full tilt into another kid's face.
The mother turned the crying and bleeding Mira over to Geoff. The mother then turned Mira's two teeth over to me. Mira had collided so hard with the other kid that she knocked out her top front tooth and one of her bottom teeth (which was loose already). It was also pretty obvious that Mira mashed up her lip pretty good too.
Mira tends to get herself all worked up when she's hurt and there is blood. To the point where she has been known to pass out (read my post from a few months ago). Geoff was trying to keep Mira conscious (she was drifting) and I was trying to keep Mira's teeth protected, hold our dog Austin and pack up all of our stuff. A trip to the emergency room was in order I believed.
The other parents around us were amazing and offered to help us pack everything up.
At the hospital, we were told that they would not re-insert her baby teeth and that although the bottom lip could have used a stitch or two, they wouldn't put her through the trauma of a needle and stitching when they believed that some salt water rinses would help it heal.
This morning, she had another tooth pulled that was loose as a result of her collision so now she is toothless in the front. My little hippo girl.
All part of being an active 5 year old........first a black eye and now a busted lip and missing teeth. :(
She's a tough one!! Big hugs!
Thanks Kristen. She ended up losing a third tooth on Saturday morning as a result. She's my little Jack-o-lantern.....
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