Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Due Date

The big D Day has arrived. Barely a squeak out of little G. I'm convince that this heat wave we are experiencing is keeping him inside. I would be a little put off by having to arrive in the middle of scorching weather too. I have tried to convince him that there are lots of splash pads, pools and air conditioners to keep him cool "on the other side", but so far, he's showing signs that he got a good chunk of DNA from Daddy. Stubborn and opinionated. I love my Geoff for who he is, but I fear that this character trait may be keeping our son in hiding.

I am grateful for all the friends and family of ours who have been asking about our little guy. I get a kick out of all the suggestions for getting labour started. Some are definitely worth trying and others......well, I think I'll hold off for now. I've been making it to the gym most days. The elliptical has been great at encouraging him to come down. I've been doing lots of walking. We did Thai food and the fresh pineapple. There have been some hints that he's getting ready, but nothing that would make me sound the alarm bells. I'd hate to get everyone excited over something that isn't labour (especially Geoff who is already "easily excitable"). When I was in labour with Mira they sent me home from the hospital twice because I wasn't in labour enough. I'm determined that I'm not going to be sent home this time around. I'm going to make sure I'm in full blown labour before travelling down to Milton.

So I'll keep the updates coming and hopefully the little guy decides to show up sooner than later. 

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