For the last hour I have been fighting with my computer. Trying to upload some recent pictures of the kids has been proving difficult. I'm not sure if this is an issue with Blogger itself, my computer or my own tech skills (or lack thereof).
So, for now I will skip the snaps. I'm warning you Blogger, if it is indeed you giving me a hard time, I may have to change over to WordPress. Yikes!
With the sun shining outside, and my sandals calling to me from the front door, I am stuck here waiting for my little prince to wake up from his nap. He has morphed his two daily naps into one big nap. That is great, except that this new nap time falls right over lunch time and well into the afternoon. It means that, for today anyways, that mama is going to have to wait to get outside and soak in some sun. By that time, Daddy will almost be home from work and can perhaps join us at the park. :)
Living in a construction site has been a challenge for us. In the winter, everything was icy and muddy. In the spring, it's REALLY muddy. Now that the weather is nice, there is no grass out back for the kiddos to go play on and the complex playground hasn't been constructed yet. It's DUSTY, which means that I don't have to bother paying for car washes.
Are we happy with our house? Yes. Definitely. Are we happy living in a construction zone? Definitely not. Grayson is loving the daily exposure to trucks of all types. His favourite truck is the street cleaner that comes through every evening to pressure wash the roads. The street cleaner makes no difference in the cleanliness of our neighbourhood, but it does wonders for my little guy's interest in all things on wheels!! His face lights up when he sees it over and over again, as it makes laps through our neighbhourhood. He squeals and shouts at it.
This morning we woke up to an excavator trampling through our backyard. Loud? Yes. Definitely. Did it seem to bother Grayson and Mira? Definitely not. They were enthralled. So I will put up with the bad and try to remember the good while we are stuck in this mud pit.
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