Little G weighed 7lbs 2 oz. He is not a chunky baby like Mira, but he has long legs like Geoff, long fingers like his gramma Seymour and giant long feet like me (good for running I say!).
My labour was the opposite of what it was with Mira. Mira took three long days of labour and 45 minutes of pushing to get her to come out and see us.
On Thursday afternoon, Geoff and I went to the ob/gyn for my 39 weeks appointment and found that I was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced. I'd been having contractions during the couple of nights prior.
Thursday night I started getting contractions about 12-20 minutes apart and Friday morning at 6:30am, I told Geoff that he might as well go into work since my contractions were so far apart. Well, before he even made it to work I was asking him to come back home. Within the 30 minutes of Geoff leaving, my contractions were 4-5 minutes apart and lasting 1-3 minutes. Geoff came back home and we made our way to the hospital, getting there around 9:30am. I was measured at 4cm dilated and at 1030am they admitted us.
I had asked the nurses to let me walk for a bit in order to encourage labour and within about 20 minutes I was in far too much pain to do any kind of walking. I was now begging for the epidural and it was only 11am.
The epidural always takes a little while to arrange so during that waiting time, the contractions got stronger and stronger and I was now unable to move because the pain was paralyzing. I could only stand (barely) and cling to Geoff in hopes that I wouldn't fall to the floor.
By 11:45am the epidural guy (as I called him) came in and 20 minutes later the juices were flowing. Before the epidural could kick in (it takes 10-20 minutes), my ob/gyn came in and checked me to find that I was 10cm dilated and that Grayson was right there and ready to come out. So much for a slow poke baby!!
The nurses allowed me to put off pushing for about 10 minutes to allow more of the epidural to kick in before I had to push. Within 4 pushes, Grayson was out. My ob/gyn barely had time to put his gloves on before Grayson made his arrival.
The labour was faster than Geoff and I were expecting which is both good and bad. Good in that I was still somewhat energetic by the time Little G came out and I wasn't in a daze (with Mira I was almost too tired to care that I had just had a baby). The bad part was that I had progressed so incredibly fast that I felt everything the whole way along. The nurses figure that I had hit the 10cm dilated well before I had the epidural and in reality I might as well have just passed on the epidural and pushed him out. I left myself to suffer longer by waiting for the epidural guy.
But, all that matters is that Grayson is here and healthy. Our little boy is our pride and joy and he makes us so happy. He is all Geoff. He looks like an 80 year old version of Geoff, being all wrinkly still from being squished up in my belly.
So far he has proven to be a good baby. He's easy going and doesn't fuss too much, except when he's hungry. The sleep deprivation is starting to kick in, but we are also still full of adrenaline from the excitement of him being here in our little family.