Friday, December 21, 2012


On Wednesday, Geoff was upstairs changing Grayson. He came downstairs and handed me our son. I immediately wondered what outfit he had put our son into as I didn't recognize the shirt.

I looked closely at Grayson's shirt and read the words "Will U Marry Daddy".

It took a minute for the words to sink in and make sense.

Then, there was Geoff, standing beside me, a ring box in his hand. He pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring. Mira stood next to us, a little confused.

Of course I said a tremendous YES. I hugged and kissed him, as well as both of the kids. Geoff then said "everything is complete now".

I agree. Our little family has another milestone to share together. A wedding in paradise and a lifetime of happiness together. xo

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So exciting!!