Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lessons Learned

I am so proud of my little girl. Yesterday she learned a very important life lesson. Yesterday she made some very grown up decisions. As a result, she got to school and back home again safely.

At 9:30am, I was trying to put Grayson down for a nap. I didn't hear my phone ringing. When I finally got him sleeping, I checked my voicemail and it was a message from Mira's vice-principal asking me to call her. I immediately panicked. I knew that Mira was not the type of kid to get into trouble and she was well behaved. So why else would the principal call? It must be something wrong....

I called the vice-principal and she advised me that Mira had been dropped off by the bus at the wrong school. I immediately felt a lump in my throat. The vice-principal told me that Mira was fine and was not upset.

The story goes as such:

Mira takes the bus to school every morning. Her bus drops a bunch of kids off at the Catholic school before proceeding to Mira's public school and dropping the rest of the kids. On the first day of school, the Catholic board had a PD day, so her bus didn't make the Catholic school stop.

On day 2 of school, the Catholic board was back in school, therefore, her bus stopped at the Catholic school before continuing on to Mira's school. However, Mira got off at the Catholic school, not realizing it wasn't her school.

So, Mira gets off the bus at the Catholic school and her bus leaves, continuing onto her school. Mira wanders the school yard before she realizes that something isn't right. She approaches a teacher in the yard (who actually ended up being the sister of her Dad's best friend) and asks if it's her school. The teacher replied "no" and immediately brought her inside to sit and wait for her bus to come back and get her to take her to her school.

Mira didn't panic and she was smart enough to ask for help when she wasn't sure what was going on. It meant that my little baby girl has learned some street smarts and has confidence in her decisions. Mira needed to make some decisions that really impacted her safety and well-being. It makes my heart soar to know that she was able to handle this challenge brilliantly. I'm so proud of her. It was scary for her but she said "getting lost is part of the fun". Oh, the optimism. :) 


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